What Happens in a disc workshop
A DISC Profile team workshop is an interactive training session aimed at improving communication and relationships within the workplace. It’s an excellent tool for newly formed teams, management training, leadership development and sales and marketing teams. The workshop begins with a short and powerful online assessment, based on the DISC Dimensions of Behavior Model, which groups behavioral responses into four work-style clusters. Once participants have completed the assessment, UB staff members are available to facilitate the session, breaking down the results and explaining how they can be used to improve teamwork and communications in the workplace.
Typically, the What happens in a disc workshop? includes a review of the DISC Theory, which categorizes personalities into four primary styles: Dominance (D), Influence (I), Steadiness (S) and Conscientiousness (C). The workshop also delves into interpreting these individual assessments, providing participants with insights into their style and how it affects their interactions with others.
After understanding their own personalities, DISC workshop attendees learn how to identify the personality styles of others. This is often done through group activities that may include role-playing and scenarios to help participants understand how to adapt their communication and interaction strategies when working with different types of personalities.
The workshop often concludes with a discussion and debriefing, where participants share insights and ideas about how to use the DISC Principles in their daily lives and at work. There is also usually time for participants to work on their personal development plans, identifying specific goals for improving their communication and leadership skills in the workplace.
Having stronger relational skills is key to professional success. Those who are able to build rapport with their peers, colleagues and clients will advance in their careers faster than those who lack these abilities. In addition to improving teamwork and communications, DISC workshops can be used to develop a more positive culture at your company, which will increase morale and productivity. UB’s high-quality DISC workshops are conducted by professional trainers and provide participants with valuable information they can take back to the workplace and apply immediately.