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Radical Marketing – 5 Rules of Radical Marketing

Radical Marketing is an approach that can be applied to a wide variety of companies, from the smallest start-ups to larger, established firms. It involves innovation in customer and competitor analysis, a creative focus on integrated marketing communication and the development of brand communities, and acceptance or adoption of new digital platforms and technology.

The concept of ‘radical marketing’ emerged in the mid-nineties and has since grown in popularity as many marketers have been challenged to take a more radical approach to their strategies. It also refers to a number of innovative practices, some of which would have been unimaginable only a few years ago, such as the use of Graphene, a material that is 200 times stronger than steel and extremely transparent and efficient at conducting heat and electricity.

These ‘radical’ techniques are often not suited for mainstream marketing, but rather require a unique understanding of the market and a deep connection with customers. It is this relationship that makes these companies so successful.

Rule #1: Be the CEO of your marketing function

Unlike most’mainstream’ companies, the CEO of a ‘radical’ company is intimately involved with the marketing function and drives it as strongly as the rest of the management team. This means that the CEO is constantly in touch with what is happening in the market and ensures everyone in the organization has a strong, direct focus on interacting with customers.

Rules #2 and #3: Be very careful about market research

While some ‘radical’ companies do employ Radical Marketing research, the vast majority of these companies tend to go with their gut on their key marketing decisions. This is a natural reaction, particularly when they are so close to their customers (see rule #3) that they know exactly what their customers want.

Rule #4: Be very true to your brand

While ‘radical’ companies might sometimes be known for their ‘outrageous’ marketing methods, they are highly committed to maintaining a high level of quality and reliability. This means that they are very reluctant to compromise on their product or service, and will be very quick to react if anything is found lacking.

Rule #5: Be very loving and respectful of your customers

Compared to’mainstream’ companies, the senior people at ‘radical’ companies do not think of their customers as target market segments defined by demographic or psychographic characteristics, but as people who are passionate about the product and proud of it. As a result, they have an extremely dedicated and loyal community of customers, some of whom even get tattooed with their brand of choice!

Rule #6: Hire only passionate missionaries

Another striking aspect of some of the ‘radical’ companies in this book is their willingness to take risks. This includes hiring individuals who believe in their product and their customer base as strongly as the CEO. This is not a difficult thing to do in this day and age, with social media making it easy for anyone to become in demand!

Digital marketing refers to all of the ways a company can market products and services online, using different websites, mobile devices, social media platforms, and search engines. This includes email marketing, paid advertising on social media channels, and search engine optimization (SEO).

The most important aspect of digital marketing is that it enables businesses to connect with customers wherever they are and at any point in their journey. This helps companies make a connection with potential customers and turn them into loyal followers. It also lets companies track customer behaviors and use data to make smarter business decisions.

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